MOO #08 – Family Woes; The Kids Are Stronger


Matter Of Opinion



As a most basic miniature unit of a nation is the easiest and most rational description that could be ascribed to the family unit. It’s the very foundation of the globe, continents disintegrated to the lowest level. Yess the families are the composure of the nations and the integral sanity of humankind from the president’s to the pauper. The families are the very reason governments are installed.

The basic family unit would consist of kids and parents, grand-parents and maybe even the great grand-parents; with each established as a representation of an entire generation and generational transition. The kids are always the strongest and most advanced representation in a family lineage; they are an advanced version of the parents, a representation of a mysterious unknown future. The parents are the instinctive present and he grandparents a golden archive of the past. Yess kids are the strongest because of the unknown threat that they possess, their advancement in an unknown timeline, possession of unexplored limits, talents and potential; their unknown or undiscovered adversaries makes them a most valuable asset in the basic unit that is a family.

There’s always a transition and a transition that always occurs and has been doing so for centuries, one group/generation sets in advance and paves way for the other and another and another, its the world system. Inevitably as the rotation occurs death is imminent, disastrous on occasions but never as disastrous as the death of an offspring. This can be disastrous in the distortion that it causes the generational cycle of lineage.

Anytime that the children become endangered, the hopes of a family become endangered maybe even the hopes of an entire nation. The children are the zenith of the country’s stratification of value; not so much about the age, but rather the prospect the they carry.

The cycle has been going on forever, the great grandfather’s of the human race would never have imagined where humanity would be today. The rate at which humanity advances is proliferate. The human inventions and pro-creations are immense leaving no knowing whatsoever how humanity would be positioned come the 41st century. Hence the value that’s attached to an offspring in the form of a child is because the child is the extension of a human unit into an unknown future. Sons and daughters carry a memoir of the past but with a touch of advancement; never the exact representation, but only a modern day copy. So the latter is always greater and stronger than the former not for any reason other than that with every passing century the human race presents itself in an undignified and previously incomprehensible manner.

Strength, style and reasoning are all aspects of this kind of advancement, a generic approach to special settings is altered because of the altering timelines and with this furtherment comes a new found strength in the manner of executions of projections and estimations. It’s a force if nature presenting itself in a similar yet more complicated dimension that cannot be withheld.

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