Matter of Opinion



“…freedom was attacked and so freedom will be defended..” a close quotation from a retaliation statement made by a presiding George.H.W.Bush after the horrific terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. His reaction was inevitable; expected as regards matters concerning the powerful and reputable office of POTUS.

The news of the terrorist attacks on America September 11 2001, left many around the globe majorly stunned because of America’s importance globally and indeed President George H.W. Bush reaction was the least of expectations upon the shoulders of a great United States cabinet – sworn to serve and protect. Yes the POTUS declaration of a war on terror and vow to vengeance on Afghanistan’s Osama Bin Laden and the Al-Qaeda system dedicated the American forces to a double task of having to defend the rights and freedoms of the ordinary American and restore a dimension of respect that had been subdued; a tough job without doubt; a job that took his democrat successor and first black United States President Barack .H Obama to complete. AL-Qaeda leader Bin Laden captured and killed by American troops in 2011; the least that could be done.

Yess excellent America, excellent system of government; undeniably admirable.

September 11 attacks were horrific, America suffered loss and embarrassment; yes this is the impact of terrorism. Tearing down the pride of its targets, all ways unpleasant, unnecessary and uncalled for. However 9/11 was not the only time America had been on the wrong end of a psychic attack; mindless and provocative. History has it that America’s involvement in the two world wars was null and void until invited by a provocative foe on both occasions. Historical fact is that during both World War 1 and World War 2, Germany and Japan were the culprits responsible for America’s involvement; the Germans were provocative in attack toward a seemingly neutral USA in 1917 and in a much similar manner Japanese role as instigator during the Pearl Harbour attacks in 1941 clarifying America as the victim; never the initiator or war. This in consolidation with 9/11 attacks on the cities of New York and Washington, we have three solitary occasions where America is taken for granted; seemingly a pattern developed by world powers; a pattern of the victimisation of a very much peaceful nation, taunting, unravelling and calling for a reaction. Fortunately for America in each solitary occasion we have an American military force turning out tougher stronger and more resolute in its national defensive duties.

Goes so far in the identification and characterisation of the United States; historically; the meekness that’s always been embedded in the national make up especially as regards foreign policy whereby even in extreme cases with known adversaries, America with all its military wealth is never the instigator of violence.

America has always seemingly taken a self-preservation policy regarding politics, the country for ages seems to prioritize and pre-occupy itself with its own adherences prior to taking a stand on enigmatic global matters. It’s a political image that built to make an assertion of domestic importance. Yes this is the America I have come to observe; non-Machiavellian, simple and objective. Hence the 2001 attacks were wayward and barbaric; a re-occurring insult to America’s aristocracy, pride and reputation; a very belligerent manner of shutting down the World Trade Centre as a capital institution and symbol of America’s power and influence.

Yess the perpetrators of 9/11 were undoubtedly smart and calculated; reckless in the pursuit for the obliteration of a few American institutions; again a very similar scenario of America being provoked and subjected to attack – America the victim only this time Arab Islamic terrorists the perpetrators.

And yess aware or unaware the middle-eastern masterminds played into a pattern of victimising innocence, taunting and disrespecting the American government, a pattern previously paved by the Germans and Japanese. For an attack of such magnitude and devastation, it was sadist and very much regrettable. To date the 9/11 attacks on New York city and Washington remain one of the worst memoirs carried about in the 21st century.

Prior to the eventual outcomes of the two world wars or the 10-year capture of the Al-Qaeda leader, seems to be a certain level on intolerance towards Americas peace and self-absorption policy. America was innocent, the attack was unnecessary; two decades in and there is not a form of “pre-text” that would justify a choice to regard an institution as significant as the World Trade Centre redundant. On a lighter side of thought the Al-Qaeda masterminds could have been mistaken for having some sort of world depopulation motives or harbouring reasons for attempting a population reduction in such a ridiculous manner of terrorism. It was mass murder in the first degree as 3000 American lives were lost on sight and 6000others barely survived; that’s 6000 counts of attempted murder. It was the biggest financial blow to the states of New York and Washington costing them about $10 billion. America was wounded and hurt – Unjustifiably.

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