Matter Of Opinion



 I’m a music lover; always have been. Listening and watching music is a preferred pass time for many folks. Most situations present difference in the tastes and preferrences, styles and genres as depends on the origin, background or sophistication but regardless the scope of imagination, music more certainly than not makes everything better.

Its 2019 and the music industry has been advanced and modified rapidly and expansively. In Africa, music videos are extravagant; also attached to this craft today is the seemingly significant responsibility to uphold attention and entertain large masses of followers through concerts and shows and so for the music lover today you get a double dose of pleasantry where you not only get to listen to your preferred artist or singer ordinarily via the radio or something of the sort but you are also getting the opportunity to watch them perform live at a concert in case a recognized performer is in town. I think this has always been the case with musicians and music performers. This is the aspect I find most captivating as regards the music industry and I have attained much respect and regard to the musicians as some of the most influential sector of the global society. A view that maybe refuted but maybe not doubted.

The art of making good music is just pure beautiful talent; it’s a form of expression of the far to limit human ability at incredible levels. I’ve come to appreciate music as one of the very unique and dignified human crafts; the ability to juggle sounds and rhythms and capture these into a convulating piece is truly magical the understanding of this is exceptional. Hence a scrutinal analysis on the personalities charged responsible. 

Obviously being a musician today is a luxurious profession, those who make it do it with an insurmountable pride and yes clearly the kick-backs in the industry are hefty and pretty; enough to make for a gratified, cheerful professional but it’s the selflessness that’s got to stand out; the offer of ones very own talents and abilities. In my own way i’m fond of these personalities because it takes intensive work on personality development to acquire success in an industry of this magnitude. The demands and disciplines of their industry mixed with the large personalities developed should combine to give you incredible human beings; the top-notch musicians all over the globe seem to ascribe to this. Their ability to captivate masses and crowds for a requirement integrated into the composition of a successful musician should drive to a conclusion that they make great individuals. I very much like to equate them to politicians, maybe having a little more to offer; yes they are up there with the best of these in the terms of gathering influence; in fact if for any reason we had a submerging of governmentalists today, musicians are the next best thing in line. The work that they do has got the ability to uphold and build nations and cannot be underestimated. It takes great courage to build a reputable career in their industry, there’s the know-how of leadership, always seems they have more to offer than their perfect pitching ostentatious vocals, better yet it’s that inter-linkage with audiences, crowds or what you would label the ordinary citizen. For anyone who hass been to a concert of a favourite singer could identify, its priceless.

Creating music means having an initiative to deliberate one own investment of time and mindset towards making sense in some form of communication to fellow human beings; today this is strictly perceived as entertainment, but definitely so much more. With a few of the most famous and prominent names such as (MJ) Micheal Jackson; author of the famous “thriller” record who passed on in 2009, Whitney Houston; one of the greatest female vocalists of our time who passed on in early 2012, South-African/African icon Lucky Dube shot to death in 2007 in Johannesburg all (RIP), its without doubt an industry that’s as dangerous and controversial as it gets and now with the age old time-less names like Mariah Carey, Dolly Parton, Madonna, Janet Jackson we have a music industry that carries some very memorable cheer and ever holding potential to warm the hearts, home and cars all over the world.

Bringing to fore the political aspect and consider a world today that’s barely making it in the peace keeping aspect, the United States are struggling and so far failing to get North-Korea to drop its weapons for potential nuclear massive destruction, yes maybe making some progress with the Middle-Eastern region but who knows for how long; always unpredictable; African terror groups Al-Shabbab and Boko-Haram still significantly problematic and we also have a United Kingdom that’s struggling to find its identity amongst the European Union. The status quo is fairly unstable; the boundaries are evident, tensions are real. If you dare to extract even for a moment the role played by the professionals like musicians and you have a world that could very easily crumble into a third world war. Yes music maybe an unconventional means and musicians to some maybe a marginalized unscrupulous group but without doubt very impactful in communications made but more so in the bond formations attained with the much less ordinary citizens and the absolutely extra-ordinary. The ability to work with variety; this is the political factor i cant help pointing out. You’ve got to take a look back to 1945; the summit of the second world war and must give credit to these songwriters and makers as a role group partially instrumental and responsible for maintaining and holding a world together by warming and cheering hearts; making better history; vital role in a very politically inconsistent globe.

 Obviously even with the loud-banging tracks or the “lovey-dovey” tunes; whatever the genre; music really is big lucrative competitive international business today, we have career promoters and managers competing to take stake with the biggest brands, concert organisers and halls worldwide; sponsors investing millions of dollars and the quite evident millionaire/billionaire artistes selling records and performances all make significant the fact that they are an industry that’s grown steady and sure to realize their impact, potential and magnitude. It only gets better and i’m excited to look forward to the continued evolving of the very much political music industry

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